Monthly Membership Luncheon State of the Schools
Be sure to join us for the Monthly Membership Luncheon! We will be hearing from the Independence, Fort Osage, and Blue Springs School District Superintendents on how schools are operating since re-opening for Fall of 2020.
**Please note that in order to properly social distance, this luncheon will look a little different. While attendees do not have to wear a mask when eating their meal, they are required at all other times of this event, per Jackson County guidelines. In addition, there will be 4 attendees per table instead of 8. Chamber staff will have disposable masks and hand sanitizer available upon entry in the case that attendees forget to bring their own. The Chamber asks that members who feel ill do not attend.
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
$23 for Members
$35 for Non-Members
EDC Members will be invoiced at a later date based upon investment level
Contact Information
Morgan Welch
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